Lisbon School District
High School Addition & Renovation| Lisbon, IA
Not all schools need to start over from scratch. A good portion of our educational resources in this region are in good shape – they just need a few upgrades and addition to make sure infrastructure continues operating at peak efficiency and performance.
This $5.4 million addition and renovation to Lisbon High School aimed to expand student resources. The design added a weight room, as well as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) wing and additional classrooms. In total, the project added 13,000 square footage to the existing building, and renovated additional spaces.
In addition to the MEP work for the new spaces, our team upgraded the HVAC serving the existing gymnasium. The gym was previously only heated, so a new rooftop unit was installed on the weight room roof with distribution ductwork to provide heating and cooling. Notably, the RTUs for the gymnasium and weight room were able to be purchased separate from the project using ESSER funds.
Construction Cost
$5.4 million
Date Completed
13,000 sf