It’s Been a Tough Winter

And it’s not over yet. But when the snow and ice melts – the rebuilding begins. Our team has been supporting rural utilities in this part of the country for more than a decade. We know a thing or two about getting substations, transformers, transmission...

Robertson Celebrates Retirement

Congratulations to Deb Robertson on her retirement! Deb joined West Plains Engineering in 1996 and has since served as the Rapid City office administrator for the past 20 years. On her last day, Deb was presented with a token of our gratitude from WPE President Doug...

New $25-29M hotel planned for Deadwood

  The Rapid City Journal recently featured an article on the new $25-29 million hotel expansion WPE is working on for Cadillac Jacks in Deadwood.  Our team is providing mechanical and electrical design for the 100+ room addition, parking garage, gambling...

Our New Year’s Resolution…

Any engineer can be your engineer. But in the new year, we’re renewing our resolution to being more. We want to be your partner – a trusted member of the team. We’ve spent most of this year telling you about what makes us different, but the truth is...

Clark Earns P.E. License

David Clark, P.E., recently passed his Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam and earned his license in the state of Iowa. David graduated from Iowa State University in 2010 and has been an engineer-in-training with West Plains Engineering since 2011. He is...

Designing for Military: A Soldier’s Perspective

By: Chuck Hauck, P.E., Mechanical Engineer | Lieutenant Colonel – SD Army National Guard Those of us who wear “the uniform” have missions to accomplish.  These missions are as diverse as the individuals who make up our armed forces. From The Adjutant...