Cedar Rapids City Services Facility

City of Cedar Rapids

City Services Facility | Cedar Rapids, IA

As part of the recovery from the flood of 2008, the City of Cedar Rapids investigated a location for its new City Hall. The City decided to purchase and renovate the former federal court house in the downtown area. The main district court room was refurbished for use as the public meeting room for city council meetings. West Plains Engineering designed the complete upgrade and replacement of the facility’s mechanical and electrical systems. After an analysis of the new needs for the former courthouse, existing piping and ductwork systems were removed and replacement utilities were installed which served the new spaces and functions. Six new air handling units were installed as well as a main energy recovery ventilator to keep energy costs as low as possible. A new chilled water system was also installed to supply the six new air handlers. A cooling tower for the chilled water system was designed to be located in a cove on the roof in order to optimize the aesthetics of the building. Various energy saving features were designed into the building and the entire control system was integrated into the city-wide energy management system so that city employees could remotely monitor and control the new HVAC systems.

Construction Cost

Date Completed

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